
132 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Omg, the piano and synth... Yeah you did such a good job on this one.

TaintedLogic responds:

Wow, you weren't kidding. You're reviewing A LOT of my tracks, haha. Thanks so much!

Oooh, yeah. Ohhhh yea. Oh man, yeah this is great. Love the atmosphere and glitchy beat for a bit. Yeah it gets a little simple with the bass, but man you kill it with the atmosphere. Solid 5.

TaintedLogic responds:

Yeah, I remember being proud of this one when I first released it. Another one I'd like to revisit sometime. Thanks! ^_^

I actually really dig the juxtaposition of organ synths and jazz synth. It's a bit like Herbie Hancock meets a band that does chaha church organ music. I like it.

TaintedLogic responds:

Can't believe you just compared my stuff to Herbie Hancock. Thanks so much! ^^

I really like the pauses. It tells a story. It's calm but atmospheric. The awes are a bit much, it would be cool to hear less vocally sounding synths, but I really like this and I really love the pauses. It adds mystery. Solid 4.5

TaintedLogic responds:

Wow, thanks! Maybe I should revisit some of these tracks sometime...

Alright, this one went a little too far on the wahs, but it's still fun. I don't think you found the bass quite yet, but man it's still fun. Solid 4.

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks again! Always humbles me when people go back and review tracks of mine from 10 years ago. :)

I gotta give you a 4 on this cause it's really fun to take the journey and I love the high notes.

TaintedLogic responds:

Haha, thanks man! You're being too nice, but I appreciate it. :)

You really have a beautiful voice. I'm not super sure about the rap, the talking kind of voice doesn't really work for me personally. But when you sing it rings, man. It's great. You need to sing more. But also do your own thing, this is my constructive critique. I'm gonna give you a solid 4.5. oh also I forgot to tell you that the music is great. I love the music.

SkankyMojo responds:

Cheers man, yeah I've still not found my rap voice yet, I've only just stated messing with it really. If you dig the singing all my older work is all just sung.

Holy shit, this beat is sick! Great track man! Awesome rap vocals and I love your singing voice at 1:38, works really well!

SkankyMojo responds:

Thanks man, that's really lovely to hear :)


Very soothing. As soon as that piano hits at 29, that's when this track starts to really take off. It's a subtle journey through closed eyes for the rest of the song. Very good stuff. Will enjoy multiple listens as it gives my mundane tasks a much needed soundtrack.


karthon responds:



Atmospheric and emotional, beautiful work.

Very subtle but with a lot of power behind it, I agree, your music comes from the heart and soul.

tazz780 responds:

Thanks dude, music today is not what it use to be. There is no drive or feeling pushing artists or musicians. It's all about the buck.
I really enjoyed your music it's right up my ally and can't wait to hear more from you dude.

Hi! I am a musician and filmmaker from NC. Thanks for stopping by!

Kevin Johnson @SensoryDecay

Age 34, Male



Cary, North Carolina

Joined on 2/2/04

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5.03 votes
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1y 2m 1d