
132 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Here we go, agreed with others, this is a great background track to RPG style games

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks, KCJSDP! Maybe some day I'll get my music into a game...

Immediate 5, love this track.

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks so much, man! ^_^

Reviewers here said it best, but I dig the otherworldly almost weirdly cool sounds you make.

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks! Maybe it's the Autogun synths that sound otherworldly?

Man, I love your sounds. This one is more defined. Really good

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks again, man! I think this is the first track of mine that uses Nexus.

Agree with others on here, but still a solid track.

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks! I remember feeling pressure to follow up on the successes of "Embedded," so I think I over-thought some things when I made this, haha. :)

Oooo, I like the high notes on this one, you're really a fan of the organ. I can hear a sound forming.

TaintedLogic responds:

I still am a fan of organ, too! Thanks again, KCJSDP. ^_^

Alright well 5 for Harry Potter right outa the gate. I think you did a good job with originality.

TaintedLogic responds:

Haha, I was way into Harry Potter for a while, yeah. Thanks for stopping by!

It's good, yeah I agree with other comments I think the high notes go way to comically carnival, but everything else is really cool.

TaintedLogic responds:

Totally agree. Channeling the emotion of a piece like this is always a give and take. Thanks!

You're working on it. I dig.

TaintedLogic responds:

I think this is the track that I went back to when learning how to mix. Chords get super distorted once the other instruments come in. But thanks!

I agree with Gamamaze, it's a little childish in the sense that it's like a nursery rhyme that needs more work, BUT despite that, I like it. It's got a hint of royalty sounds from older times, like someone at the piano playing for the family.

TaintedLogic responds:

Totally. I'd like to say I was going for a nursery rhyme vibe when I made this, but it was 9 years ago and I don't remember haha. But thanks again for all the reviews, dude. You made my day!

Hi! I am a musician and filmmaker from NC. Thanks for stopping by!

Kevin Johnson @SensoryDecay

Age 34, Male



Cary, North Carolina

Joined on 2/2/04

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