
211 Audio Reviews

132 w/ Responses

Oof, this one vibes so well. I can hear you starting to hone that sound, again that bass

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks again for the review, KCJSDP! ^_^

That intro had me hooked, that bass had me in the reel, I just want more than video game sounds. Still great music making. You're so getting there at this point and I've barely made it to the present.

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks so much! I'm pretty sure most of these are FL native plugins, haha. :)

Ohhh so close. The bass misses the mark and the rest is kinda well hang on, eh yeah the rest is kinda nothing. It's very close, but not there...oh and of course you hit me with an atmospheric chord at 3:36... Of course you do. It was a 3, gotta go 4.5 because of that ending chord. I loved it.

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks man! Seems like the last chord has proven really divisive among this comment section, haha. :)

Just 5. This is such a good song I don't even know if I have anything to say. Everything vibes and lyrics aren't needed because that's taken care of with the piano/organ sounds

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks so much! This would probably be a good song to add lyrics to, though. :)

Ahhhhh fuck, I used these sounds on my songs haha. That's okay if that's why I didn't win, gad dayumit. 5 dude, very good use of sounds. It is easy cause all the sounds are mastered, so yah gotta kinda be better, not you just saying. From 2:30 on I'm really feeling this.

TaintedLogic responds:

Haha thanks again! Yeah, I remember taking a tour through the Garageband presets back in the day until I pretty much exhausted them. :)

Ahhh dude, don't trouble yourself with C major D minor, unless he's cute AWFUL JOKE. this has a really cool move and Gosh DARNit. You use that sexy atmospheric tom hit at 1:39 that just gets my Jimmys all jimmyfied. Pascal's Wager is actually one of my favorite Mellowdrone songs, so trust me nerd math is fucking cool.

TaintedLogic responds:

These are the best reviews, lol. Thanks again!

I think you're getting closer to your sound here, this is straight up thoughtful beats sounds bass drums, you name it. This is great

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks so much, man! Another personal favorite of mine. But "my sound" has changed a lot over the years, haha.

5. Straight 5 dude, the melody and drums are very beautiful

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks so much, man! Yeah, I remember being proud of this melody. ^^

Ohhh baby, 5. I love this. Yeah I'm a softy for the atmospheric... Sue me. Please don't I really couldn't afford it. This is right up there with oh okay, the piano actually ruined it. Oh no, this is the first song that I feel like you did so good but kinda ruined with the piano, ooo hang on. You're bringing it back. Okay when the piano comes in at 1:29 it's super not apart of the song, it's like a clown honked Iike look at me, but slowly it becomes apart of the song. Ooof man I really like this I'll say that piano needs work, but you prolly fixed that by now

TaintedLogic responds:

Yeah, listening to this again I see what you mean about the piano. It's a little jarring. But thanks for the review!

Alright right out of the gate I wanna jump outa my pants, but heree we gooooo. That piano. Oof 1:13 that solid transition. I mean... I'm not hard or anything STOP LOOKING. The piano sound is really resonating. I actually kinda dig near the end where you take that piano motif and move it into a really cool groove. Oh and that end, just a cherry putkyah. Dig.

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks so much, man! Most of the sound design and mixing was done by DylnMatrix. :)

Hi! I am a musician and filmmaker from NC. Thanks for stopping by!

Kevin Johnson @SensoryDecay

Age 34, Male



Cary, North Carolina

Joined on 2/2/04

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