
211 Audio Reviews

132 w/ Responses

Good songs come in pairs

One song made better by a sequel. YES i love it. ITs got that peacefull yet deadly sound that u just love to love. Again, your work is so great, you combine all kinds of sounds to make one great sounding one...or something, i lost my train of thought, sorry, gotta listen to ur music...bye!


again, thats what i like. Its so great man, the beats and everything. And i absolutely love the ambient strings behind the music in certain parts. Its pretty much great. Some of the scratches or record spinds, watever u call them, were a little out of place sometimes, but it dosent matter as a whole the song is awesome as usual. Call the club, its a DANCEOFF.

Ahhh, now thats what im talking about

Yea. Thats what im talking about. You know it, its sexy, beats and all. THis is the kind of work i truely adore u for. Your a master at work my friend. W00t, DANCE OFF.


Alrighty, well with this one, it was a little weird for my taste (again, just personal preference, i dont grade it bad if i hate it, just for the effort and whatnot) But the sounds and stuff put into it, was great, and the reacurring guitar lick thingy (or watever that sound was) that came back fit in with the noise. SO it was great effort as usual, just a little weird for me, but HEY! i still like it.

haha MEgaman

Man, i SO remember that game. Crazy megaman, i cant remember what i played it on, Sega? i donno coulda been. Brings me back. Once again ur work is just great and...oh yea Sexy. haha.


Crazy tempo, deffiently video game material. Brings me back to oldschool gaming w00t. NES Fer real. Only this music is like 16bits better but yea u get me, i think. SO yea this peice of music is wait wait dont tell me......sexy? yea.


Fer serious man. No matter what you do, it just sounds good. I dont care what anyone else says. It is just good stuff. Its how you say..Sexy?? haha Great work man. You are amazing.


That was so tight man. The guitar licks mixed in with the backround ambience, along with the drums and bass rifts. Its....yea SExy! That is deffiently old school hotness right there. Your are a true pro from the very begging(<---- I CANT spell that word)

gad, good man

Yea, that is deffiently for a fast action scene or what not. I love it man. Uber techno its rockin. I got no critisim. Its just good.

W00t W()()T

Massivly awesome music man. WHat Can't u do!?! I am so loving the beats, its...how can i put this...SEXY! w00t Keep groovin it *ZB* YEA! Man, i have a movie im making right now, and I don't think this music fits it, but DOOD I am so using some of ur music (With your permission of course) for some scenes of some other of my movies, cause ur pretty much amazing and you work hard at it, Long Live *<ZeRo BaSs>*

ZeRo-BaSs responds:

omg thx man...^_-
i really appreciate your reviews! and i checked out some of your songs...damn u got some serious talent! u just need some more practice and u'll make stuff like this 4 sure!

Hi! I am a musician and filmmaker from NC. Thanks for stopping by!

Kevin Johnson @SensoryDecay

Age 34, Male



Cary, North Carolina

Joined on 2/2/04

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628 / 710
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> 100,000
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5.03 votes
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> 100,000
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1y 2m 1d